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Resources for Families and Schools


If you are keen to get yourselves and school started with stratgies right away then the webinar below developed by Selective Mutism founder Danielle Cottam (MSPA, CPSP) can be shared with your educational setting. This info and strategy session is the first step in any treatment programme via sharing of evidence-based information on Selective Mutism and/or speech confidence difficulties. It will save us time in therapy by ensuring now that all key adults are on the same page and enabling use of appropriate treatment strategies to promote speech confidence right away. This webinar targets pre and early primary school settings but will be useful as a starting point for families and schools supporting children of any age. Watch the intro video here to see if it's suitable for your needs right now.


Danielle has also developed this FREE 15 minute video as part of October's Selective Mutism awareness month 2020. It was developed to support families and teaching staff to have a quick video to share with others that talks through the communication and education related difficulties experienced by individuals with Selective Mutism and to give quick and easy tips to follow for those new to the condition. Targeted more specifically for high school students Danielle hopes this helps to spread awareness about Selective Mutism and in particular support transition meetings for students heading into a new class or school.  


Parent Therapy Training Group - 6 week online programme

Waiting to receive therapy services can be lengthy and frustrating. The demand for therapy services is so high right now with COVID having complicated matters even further. Selective Mutism Western Australia and Selective Mutism Support Adelaide want to help you close the gap for you and your child with six appointments within a group format whilst you await individual services.


This exciting opportunity is targeted for children of primary school age who are currently on waitlists or unable to get on a waitlist. This 6-week online group will focus on a different topic each week and is designed to equip parents with the knowledge and skills to support their child. Specific training and strategies will be provided, in addition to the opportunity to gain feedback on between session practice that you have completed. This group is targeted for parents of children aged 3-7 but could also be suitable for parents of children up to Yr 6 of primary school. It will cover strategies appropriate for all age groups and how to conduct informal sliding in sessions. The high therapist:parent ratio is designed to allow personalised support in a group format. 


The group runs on Tuesday’s from 25th October for 6 weeks 11:30am – 12:30 AWST online via zoom. Please see the attached flyer for further details. If the group is suitable for you. Request a place by completing all information in this form    






Resources for Treating Professionals


Course Description


Selective Mutism is a disorder that usually occurs during childhood. It is characterised by a child having difficulty speaking (or being silent) in at least one social setting, despite being able to speak normally in other situations. Often it will be shown by children who can speak confidently at home but are silent at school. Danielle Cottam, Speech Pathologist from Selective Mutism WA, will be presenting on this topic.

This 3 hour webinar (via Zoom) is suitable for Speech Pathologists,Education Staff and others working with children with Selective Mutism. This presentation will include information on: What is SM?; The difference between SM and shyness; Everyday strategies for use with children aged 3-7 and suitable resources. It will give you the background knowledge and intervention strategies to achieve positive outcomes with young children with Selective Mutism. The course is presented in a practical step-by-step format and includes real life scenarios, recommended readings and resources.


Learning Objectives


  • To develop knowledge of Selective Mutism and speech confidence difficulties.

  • To be able to differentiate between Selective Mutism, shyness and other communication difficulties.

  • To have knowledge of suitable intervention options in the early years(ages 3-7).

  • To have knowledge of strategies and resources that can be used to support young children with speech anxiety.


About Danielle


Danielle is Senior Speech Pathologist and founder of Selective Mutism Western Australia (SMWA She has over a decade of experience working in the area of Selective Mutism with children, families, schools and community services in Australia and the UK. Danielle is passionate about empowering parents to help their children become confident communicators. She works together with the child, family, school and other health professionals to provide training and therapy to target SM where it happens day-to-day and advocates for the use of tailored trans and multidisciplinary interventions when working with this complex client group.


Danielle has also contributed to policy, community projects and provided many trainings in this specialist area having been involved in the set-up and management of services in Selective Mutism across the UK and Australia for over 10 years. This includes the initiation of Bolton NHS Selective Mutism Care Pathway, training delivery at schools, conferences and within local businesses and the management of Western Australia's first Selective Mutism Parent Support Group.


This webinar has now ended. For information on the next session or for private access to this webinar for an organisation please contact us.

Selective Mutism WA also provide bespoke training packages for treating professionals across Western Australia and worldwide. 


Like the SMWA facebook page @selectivemutismwa or request to sign up for our newletter on the contact us page to be kept up to date with future trainings. If you are an organisation or education setting and would like to arange bespoke training for your staff please get in touch via the contact us page to discuss.

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