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Helpful Videos

Listed here are videos that may be helpful for sharing with others to explain Selective Mutism


If you are keen to get yourselves and school started with stratgies right away then the webinar below developed by Selective Mutism founder Danielle Cottam (MSPA, CPSP) can be shared with your educational setting. This info and strategy session is the first step in any treatment programme via sharing of evidence-based information on Selective Mutism and/or speech confidence difficulties. It will save us time in therapy by ensuring now that all key adults are on the same page and enabling use of appropriate treatment strategies to promote speech confidence right away. This webinar targets pre and early primary school settings but will be useful as a starting point for families and schools supporting children of any age. Watch the intro video here to see if it's suitable for your needs right now.





Danielle has also developed this FREE 15 minute video as part of October's Selective Mutism awareness month 2020. It was developed to support families and teaching staff to have a quick video to share with others that talks through the communication and education related difficulties experienced by individuals with Selective Mutism and to give quick and easy tips to follow for those new to the condition. Taregeted more specifically for high school students Danielle hopes this helps to spread awareness about Selective Mutism and in particular support transition meetings for students heading into a new class or school.  A fabulous video on SM that shows two children, one who has overcome her difficulties. Also features Alison Wintgens (co-author of The Selective Mutism Resource Manual) discussing symptoms and phobias. A take out from episode 1 of the My Child Won't Speak UK documentary. This episode features Maggie Johnson (co-author of The Selective Mutism Resource Manual) discussing the anxiety and lack of choice behind not speaking in conjunction with the rules a child creates with speaking habits and how scary talking can be for them. It also features the perspective of the grandparents of a child with SM and thus can be a great one to share with the family. This US video explains the perpetuating cycle of SM and some intial strategies for how to break this whilst beginnign a small steps programme.


If any of the links cease to work please contact us for support.


You can also head over to the Facebook page Selective Mutism WA for more frequent updates on videos and resources.





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