Exciting News - Upcoming Training in January!
Upcoming training for Speech Pathologists, Education Staff and others working with Selective Mutism - running in the new year! Book your...
Selective Mutism - How Can I Help?
I have developed this 15 minute video as part of October’s Selective Mutism awareness month. It was developed to support families and...
Selective Mutism Resource Manual
This resource manual created by Maggie Johnson and Alison Wintgens was my first SM bible. It's easy to read language and layout enables...
You tube video of types of SM
This 2 minute video with Maggie Johnson shows two children with varying degrees of SM. The video desrcibes the different rules that...
The use of a visual communication board with a child with SM
In a previous session with a psychologist we conducted a play session with core language board. I demonstrated use of the board to make...