Creating Communication Confidence

Do any of these sound familiar?
I do want to speak but the words just won’t come out.
It feels like the words are stuck in my throat.
I don’t like it.
I don’t want to do it.
She’s such a chatterbox at home.
The closer we get to school the less he speaks.
She looks like a rabbit in the headlights.
It’s like he is almost about to speak to me.
The more I ask the more she clams up.
Sometimes she talks and sometimes she doesn’t.
He’s really slow and hesitant to get started with things like writing and dressing.
They think he’s being stubborn.
Talking in front of certain people feels too scary.
Someone you know may be suffering from Selective Mutism (SM) or speech confidence difficulties. SM is a condition that will not go away if left untreated.
This website was developed to give easy access to quality information and resources on SM from a variety of sources. I hope it saves you time and energy in the hunt for support and that we can raise awareness and understanding around SM together.
Selective Mutism Western Australia (SMWA)